Patriotic Primate
The Patriotic Primate Digital Painting Fine Art Print. This artwork is professionally printed on watercolor bright white paper, It measures "11 X 14" and meets the highest industry standards and image sharpness.
“The Patriotic Primate” is a diehard American patriot. He believes in all things American, including freedom, democracy, the right of the pursuit of happiness, and of course the right to vote. He is considered a southern gentleman, He salutes the flag, and has a commitment to the noble idea of equality and justice, for all, which is usually described as America’s promise.
On occasion he has been known to have a temper. But, even the most patriotic Americas understand that the Democratic process doesn’t always go the way we think it should. However, Democracy only works when the people do their part and vote. While you are out at the voting poles, keep an eye out; you just might spot The Patriotic Primate