Jack N Lumber

  • Jack N Lumber

Jack N Lumber Digital Painting Fine Art Print. This artwork is professionally printed on watercolor bright white paper, It measures "11 X 14" and meets the highest industry standards and image sharpness.

“Lumberjacks” were workers in the logging industry prior to 1945, after which they were just referred to as loggers. Lumberjacks wore Levi’s jeans, used hand tools, and oxen to pull logs to the river. They lived very primitively, were paid little, and lived dangerously. After 1945, “Loggers”, had the advantage of power tools and trucks, but the job has remained extremely perilous, with a high rate of injury and death amongst workers. As a result of working conditions, men of the trade were considered tough, and extremely masculine, and their badassery is still celebrated to this day.

Jack N Lumber is an old school lumberjack who has mastered his trade long ago. He has spent a lifetime efficiently and effectivity doing his work; he refuses to change his professional title to “Logger”. This makes him one of the only remaining Lumberjacks still around. He has grown old, but is still strong, and takes pride in his job. A lifetime in the woods has given him a unique perspective. Logging, has evolved with technology, and has become a massive industry which has dramatically impacted the environment. Jack N Lumber stays true to the original lumberjack ways. He can still be found in the north west territories, where he will probably spent the rest of his days.


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